Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Godfather- The Family Business

The Godfather
“Family Business”
In the first movie of The Godfather Trilogy, we are introduced to all of the characters and the way of their world, that they live in and the rules they live by. We are introduced to the family, the enemies and everyone else that plays a factor in this world. Throughout this process we are introduced to the “Family Business”. Through being introduced we realize how important it is to be in the Family Business and honor the Family.
We realize how important Vito “Don Corleone” is to the whole equation, the way things operate and the way things work out, all final decisions and their impacts trickle down from the top spot of “Don”. The interesting points to notify are the family tree and how they relate to Family Business and how they effect the positions that are held. Another thing to pay attention to is the top spot of “Don” and who falls in line to take over that spot. The importance of Michael to the Family Business as it is foreshadowed throughout the whole film, you get a glimpse of how much more he is important to the existence of this cycle, as opposed to how much Freddo or Santino is.
In the first point we talk about is the Family Business and the Family Tree; how do they relate? First, at the top, we see Vito “Don” Corleone and this he is the Father therefore he is the leader of the pact of the Business. He has three sons, four counting Tom. Two sons hold smaller positions under him and are technically in line to be the next “Don” starting from oldest to youngest. Then you have Tom Hagan who is not a biological son, but he has been a part of the family, so he also is given a position, which is counselor to the “Don”. The rest of the roles are given out to friends and people who are close to the Family, or a part of the Family in another way. So, as the Family Tree goes down these roles are given out. We see that when people use this term, like Michael did in the first scene, “Family Business”, it is literal in most part because it is kept in the Family.
Bringing me to my next point, the position and importance of the “Don”. If we had to compare the “Don to someone in our society it could be a number of people, because his role is so interesting. Obviously being a father, we can directly relate his position as a parent, but then having the business aspect going on we would thing of him as a boss or manager. In their world no word is bigger than the “Dons”, in this aspect he kind of reminds me more of a President, or even more so a dictator. More of a dictator because his word is final; in the Family Business when it comes down to it, it is not so much of a Democracy than a dictatorship. Which is interesting, for the people who live in this world this is their government, these are their laws. It’s more than just a Family Business it is their way of live. They live and die by it.
Finally, the point of Michael taking over and how it is foreshadowed since the beginning of the Film. At the start of the Film, we pretty much get a glimpse of everybody who is involved in the world. When the Family gets together to take a picture we are notified through Vito’s words that Michael is not around and no picture will be snapped without him. So, instantly we get the idea that Michael has some kind of importance, whether we know what it is or not yet. Then we see through the course of the movie that all of Michaels brothers are either made unable or are discredited to take over as the “Don” of the Family Business. So, gradually through this movie we are eased in to the thought or idea that Michael will take over as the new Don. Flashing back to the beginning of the movie where Michael says that is his Family, not him. We see a little irony and we see the transition of him becoming more like his Family, into the position that was once held by his father.
This whole idea of the Family Business is relatable in our society in many ways, there are plenty of Family owned businesses in our economy that are passed down from generation to generation, but we must explore the difference between these businesses. In our world, Family businesses are just that, they are means of making money and a means of survival. In the Corleone world this is also their means of money, but it is their way of live and it cannot be changed nor disputed without great consequences; it’s just the way it is.
-Kendrel Dickerson

1 comment:

  1. In your post above, I agree with how you mention the trickle down effect of how Don and his mafia operate their “family business.” I think it’s important to also mention that in the film, “family” refers to family in the sense of the Mafia. The family gatherings that occur throughout the film are just as much business as they are about spending time with family. This is shown in the opening scene with Connie and Carlo’s wedding; while deals were still being made at his daughters wedding, hits being planned, and honor still being shown. This is also an example of how “Don” could be seen as the President or even a dictator. You make great points on how he could seen a dictator by how his word is final and the business is not a democracy. I think it’s important to mention how even though the family is involved in a dangerous work force, they too are in denial and guilt for what jobs they do. Repeatedly, the audience hears the line; “it’s business, not personal” proving the family tries to hide from the public and the reality of their actual job titles. The “family business” is also seen as the desire of the mafia to keep business and personal life separated. But throughout The Godfather, it is shown just how difficult that really is.
